Why Do Rare Breeds Matter?
Why Do Rare Breeds Matter?
Genetic diversity is VITAL
Genetic diversity is VITAL
Rare breeds possess genetic traits, resistance to disease, and special adaptations NOT present in the 'popular' pool of breeding animals and can dilute mutations present in other breeds; they are therefore integral for maintaining population health and stability. This is true for all species of rare breeds, including other livestock such as pigs, cattle, and chickens.
Projects like the Livestock Conservancy in the United States and the Rare Breeds Survival Trust in the United Kingdom are dedicated to making sure that the important rare breeds of yesterday are not forgotten or lost for tomorrow. Pictured above is lifetime KNN approved Knabstrupper stallion, Pyxis av Drommarna ( Pyxis is 6/16 PB blood). Due to the lack of genetic diversity, it has taken a while to preserve our purebred lines here in the USA. However, numbers are slowly improving. Pictured to the right is Kometa, a US-born Budenny mare, and her 2019 half-Akhal-Teke colt Ofir. There are only 400 Budenny mares worldwide, making for an incredibly endangered breeding core. Akhal-Tekes, while having made a good comeback, are still rare and in need of careful protection. How can you help? Learning more about rare breeds is the first step, and educating others about what you have learned is the second! Contact organizations such as the KNN (Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark), NABHR (North American Budenny Horse Registry) or the ATAA (Akhal-Teke Association of America), especially if you are interested in acquiring breeding stock and becoming part of the solution! Dedicated breeders and fans are essential to the survival of these rare and important genetics which are integral to the health of the future horse population worldwide.
Photo of Budenny mare and colt by Cheyenne Steele Ferrier
Pegasus Project: orlandoludovic.wixsite.com/pegasus-erc
Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark: https://m.knab.dk/
Livestock Conservancy: livestockconservancy.org
Rare Breeds Survival Trust: www.rbst.org.uk
NABHR: www.budennyhorse.com
ATAA: www.akhal-teke.org
Save a Breed & Breed a Champion!
Article by Karina Rapp
Golden Stallions International