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Pyxis av Drömmarna

Click HERE to see foals by Pyxis

(Pegasus vom Niehaus-Hof x Cevin x Transvaal)

Sport type 16.2h 2014 Chestnut Leopard (ee Aa LP/lp PATN1/patn1)

Stallion location: Port Perry, Ontario Canada

Trainer: Meagan Mahoney of Tiara Equine

Owner: Kristi Stillwagon

Approvals:  Knabstrupper (KNN), Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association and Westfalen Knabstrupper 

Semen availability: Cooled and Frozen throughout USA and Canada

Collecting: Monday through Friday

Season: Feb - Oct

Genetic Testing: PSSM1, 6 panel and Warmblood Fragile Foal - N/N

If you have purchased a breeding and are needing a collection, please email us at We will get back to you right away


If you are interested in breeding to Pyxis, let me know. We just had our first confirmed pregnancy with a 14 yr. old maiden mare. We plan to freeze for international use later this year.

$1400 USD LFG*

$700 USD by the dose fresh or frozen options

*Includes booking/stud fee, LFG, 3yr contract, foal breed registration, foal USEF registration and Non-Color Foal Return Breeding Discount. Fresh shipped semen available throughout USA and Canada. Shipping and collection are not included and are at cost.

*Payment plans available*

*Multiple mares and Premium mare discount. Please inquire*

Foals conceived in 2024 are eligible for papers with (depending on mare):

Westfalen Verband (Knabstrupper Book)
IDSR (International Draft & Sporthorse Registry)

AWSSR (American Warmblood Society and Sporthorse Registry)

Stonewall Sporthorse

Others to be announced after Pyxis completes his performance requirements.


Pyxis Bloodlines
Pyxis jump
Pyxis dressage
Pyxis jump
Pyxis event


Pyxis av Drommarna 

KNN registered, and lifetime approved stallion. 

One of only 2 KNN approved Knabstrupper stallions by Pegasus vom Niehous-Hof (2nd is Talent av Drommarna) available in North America!


Pyxis is a first-premium main-book Knabstrupper stallion recognized by the Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark, the foundational registry governing all adjacent studbooks. This prestigious status reflects his exceptional performance in testing for temperament, conformation, vetting, and endurance. He achieved an impressive score of 846.07 in his ridden test, with detailed results available on this page.

Pyxis is a Knabstrupper of royal lineage, distinguished as one of the rare KNN-approved stallions in North America. With exceptional jumping bloodlines, a gentle temperament, superb rideability, and remarkable movement, he stands out as a truly exceptional horse.


Pyx is a powerful stallion wrapped up in a big, sweet, spotted candy wrapper. He truly doesn't want to put a hoof wrong and aims to please.  In 2022, Pyx won the year-end championships at the 1st level in dressage and has since been excelling in 2nd level classes. His trainer has now entrusted him to her adult amateur manager, and he is proving to be a fantastic partner for her. Stay tuned for updates, as Pyx is already practicing more advanced movements such as half-pass, passage, shoulder-in, and piaffe. ❤


Currently, all of his foals inherit his easy-going temperament, height, sturdy build, and strong hindquarters. Three of his offspring are now under saddle, and they've been remarkably easy to train, almost as if they were born ready. Two of the three have started jumping and display excellent technique. I will provide updates as they mature. You can also view them HERE

Current Show Results

Glenarden Farms Horse Trial

October 1, 2023

Adult amateur rider 

Entry division - 3rd


Caledon Dressage

Adult amateur rider 

September 9, 2023

2nd Level Test 1 - 61 -1st


Dressage at Tiara Equine

December 10-11, 2022

2nd Level Test 1: 63.9 - 1st

2nd Level Test 2: 71.9 - 1st

2nd Level Test 3: 61.5 - 1st


Caledon Dressage Year End Championships 2022

Pyxis was champion!


Caledon Dressage

July 2022

First level test 1: 67.58 - 1st

First level test 2: 66.85 - 2nd

First level test 3: 69.30 - 1st


Bronte Creek

Entry Division

July 17, 2022

2nd out of 8 entries and against some super competitive entries (one being a rider who has done many Olympics/major games)


Caledon Dressage

June 3-5, 2022

First level test 1: 66.034 - 3rd

First level test 2: 64.00 - 3rd

First level test 3: 64.306 - 2nd


2021 results on welcome page but went to 3 shows and placed 3rd two times out of 12 and 1st out of 10.

KNN Grading Scores

•Size/Type/Width: 8

•Head and neck: 8

•Shoulder and wither: 7

•Topline: 8

•Front leg: 8

•Hind leg: 8

•Walk: 8

•Trot: 8

•Canter: 9

•Jumping Technique: 8

•Jumping Potential: 8

•Vet: 10

Assessment of Condition, Skin, Head { symmetry, lymph nodes }, Eyes, Mouth {  teeth alignment and bite }, Body { symmetry of muscles and bones }, Reproductive Organs, Heart, Lungs and Respiration, Limbs {alignment of legs, toe axes, bones, tendons, joints, tendon sheaths, hoof shape and horn quality}, Movement { walk and trot on hard surface } and Temperament/Behavior.

Overall score 8

Judges Comments: Stallion of good type, suitable depth and width, pretty head. Muscular topline, long and well-shaped croup. Clean limbs of proportionate substance, good joints and good hooves. Good and supple walk, good trot, very good canter.


Stallion Ridden Performance Test

Stallion testing results

Jumping Undersaddle 1.0 - 1.1m Feb 2024

Pyxis Dressage

Free Jumping Phase for Stallion Approval Oct 2022

Dressage at Tiara Equine competing at 2nd Level Dec 2022

Pyxis Cross Country Phase Eventing

My daughter, Nadja and 3yr old Pyxis

Trainer Meagan with her new kitten. Pyx is a complete gentleman!


Pyx's sire, Pegasus Vom Niehaus-Hof (Peg), is a Verbandspremium stallion and the best ZfDP (German Warmblood) stallion. Peg's success in Para-Equestrian FEI Dressage highlights his exceptional temperament and movement.

In 2011, Peg became the last-minute mount for Para equestrian Laurietta Oakleaf when tornadoes in the central states prevented her from transporting her horses to Del Mar. After a successful show, Peg's owners were approached by USPEA president Hope Hand, who asked if a young para rider could use Peg for a clinic with Olympic rider Debbie McDonald. Despite the risk and liability, they trusted Peg's steadiness and agreed.

During the clinic, Debbie McDonald praised Peg, saying, "what an amazing gelding," impressed by his patience and gentleness with the young rider paralyzed on one side due to a brain injury. When she learned Peg was a stallion, she was even more impressed with his temperament and intelligence. The next year, the young rider, Sydney Collier, returned to California to compete with Peg as her preferred mount.

Peg also served as the mount for Laura Goldman, who was partially paralyzed on the opposite side of Sydney. He was also the mount for a clinic given by Mette Rosencrantz after the competition, accommodating Syd, Laura, and five additional para riders. Clearly, the Knabstrupper brain is extraordinary!

Stjerneprinsen af Vejrup_edited

Pyx's dam, Colibria Z (Bria), is a 16.3 hand Zangersheide mare bred by the renowned Olympic sporthorse breeder Koos Derks in the Netherlands. As a young horse, Bria was jumped by Derks before being purchased and imported to the USA for a young rider to compete at 1.0m. Bria boasts an excellent jump, a kind temperament, and remains sound at 26!


She is by the Grand Prix jumper (1.5m) Holsteiner stallion Cevin. Cevin’s dam, U-Capitola (stamm 173), is the full sibling to the legendary Capitol I and has distinguished herself as an exceptional broodmare, producing well-known approved stallions such as Quite Capitol, Lord Capitol, and Cevin. The quality of her bloodlines is evident, with her grand-get achieving Grand Prix show jumping (1.6m) championships (Quite Easy I and II). Cevin's Holsteiner sire, Calando I (stamm 7673), was an international show jumping champion (1.7m) and has sired many successful offspring in eventing, dressage, and international show jumping, including Canaris, Castor, and Careful, who competed in the Barcelona Olympics.

Bria hails from an outstanding damline known for both competition and production. Notably, the line includes the international CCI5 eventer, El Mundo (Video) who placed in the 2023 Pan American Games and is Canadian Olympic hopeful and the late FEI Dressage/GP Jumper stallion, Tempranillo.


Bria's dam is by the KWPN jumper-producing stallion, Transvaal, an influential showjumping sire whose offspring have competed at the highest levels, including the Olympics.


You don't have to look generations back for genetic gold. It is up front and center!

Pyx dam
Pyx dam
Cevin/Da Vinci
Calando I

Pyxis av Drommarna

Pictures below by Christina D Equine Photos, Shelly Williams Photography, Game on Eventing, Faye Kramer, Taylor Marie Mosley, Michele Hunt and Diane Truxillo 

Glenarden Horse Trials

October 2023

Amateur Rider

Senior EV: 3rd out of 10 due to a couple time faults

Pyx with Ammy rider
Pyx with fans

Dressage at Tiara Equine

December 10-11, 2022

Trainer/Rider: Meagan Mahoney

2nd Level Test 1: 63.9 - 1st

2nd Level Test 2: 71.9 - 1st

2nd Level Test 3: 61.5 - 1st

Pyx dressage
Pyx dressage
Pyx dressage
Pyx dressage
Pyx dressage
Pyx dressage

Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark

KNN Stallion Performance Test Lifetime Approval

10/23 & 24

Trainer: Meagan Mahoney/Rider

Photos by: Christina D Equine

Free Jump, Dressage, Test rider, Jumping Undersaddle, Endurance

Pyxis jump
Pyx dressage
KNN Grading
Pyxis jump
Pyx endurance
Pyxis jump
Pyx dressage
Pyx dressage
Pyxis jump
Pyx endurance
KNN grading
Pyxis jump
Pyx dressage
KNN Grading
Pyx jump
Pyx endurance
Pyxis fancy

Shelly Williams Photograpy

October 19, 2020

Pyxis fancy
Pyxis fancy
Pyxis fancy

Cross Country Schooling

Rocking Horse Farm

Trainer: Amanda Quillan, Florida

Rocked Novice X-country!


Pyxis eventing
Pyxis eventing
Pyxis eventing

KNN 2019 Stallion Licensing

Sumter Equestrian Center

Licensed for 2020 and 2021, Best in Show and Best Stallion



The next few pictures are of him through the years of growing up. He has trained my daughter well when it comes to proper scratching techniques!

Pyxis really has a beautiful soul and aims to please.  His athleticism, brains and best personality make him a joy to own and for his trainer to compete!

Pyx and buddy
Silly Pyx
Pyxis with DHK daugher
KNN Grading
Pyx as a youngster
Pyx as a foal
Pyx as a foal
Pyx as a foal
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